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Pacificwin Fakatulou


We are very pleased to be affiliated, associated and be in partnership with the following leader organisations and groups who work in the Pacific Region with Pacific communities.

Pacificwin is indebted to Vagahau Niue Trust (VNT) because VNT was the initial umbrella under which Pacificwin operated.  We are grateful to the VNT-Executive (2015-2013) because they trusted in the vision of Pacificwin and all that Pacificwin could achieve given it was birthed under Vagahau Niue Trust. Oue Tulou atu to Mele Nemaia (Chairperson) especially with her leadership for Pacificwin-Niue; Chris Lagaluga (Treasurer); Ofanaia Halo (Secretary); with special mention of Maria Aka (Financial Manager) who managed the financial accounts of Pacificwin at the outset. Pacificwin is successful because VNT allowed it latitutde to develop. Kia Monuina ma VNT!

Niue High Commission to New Zealand

Pacificwin is indebted to the High Commissioner of Niue to NZ, Her Excellency O'Love Jacobsen (also the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps.  Pacificwin is very grateful to the Dean and "Oute Tulutulou" to her leadersh and her generous support. We are also grateful to her for her wisdom and guidance.  she is knowledgeable about intenraitonal mataters and she is unstinting of her energy and her knowledge.  Again, we are grateful and look forward to her continued support and fakaalofa. Kia Monuina, Iki Lilifu Komisina!

FVSAI Hawai'i Branch
Family Violence Sexual Abuse Institutee
Alliant International University
San Diego, California, USA

Pacificwin is indebted to Suzannah Tiapula, Distinguished Fellow and Director of the 'Ho'omaluhia/FVSAI Hawai'i Branch of the Allaint International University.  Our world and boundary lines opened up when she came into our lives. She is a dynamic leader and she has moved us into a field that we have applied the same passion as all our other Pacific commitments. Oue Tulou atu ke he Takitaki ko Suzannah, kia monuina!

Pacific Islands Association of NGOs

Pacificwin is indebted to Emele Duituturaga whom we have known for a few decades.  she is the Executive Director of PIANGO. They are leading Pacific civil societies in all matters pertinent to development. Pacificwin is a Focal Point under PIANGO, we are fortunate to be allowed to sit and work with our Pacific colleagues adn civil society organisations through PIANGO. Oue Tulou atu ma Iki Lilifu ko Emele, kia monuina!

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